Thursday, January 8, 2009

Credit Cards? YES!

At long last, Home Enhancers is finally accepting credit card for all your home projects. Now you can have the dream kitchen you always wanted, while also accumulating those frequent flyer miles! Or, if you've been putting off that much needed household repair because funds were short, now you can have it completed before it turns into something even costlier. Don't wait - call us today - (203) 668.3655

We accept MC/VISA/AMEX/Discover.

New Year - New Blog!

Welcome to our blog! We hope you enjoy your visit.

We decided to implement a blog to let you know what's new and what's going on with our business and in the home improvement world, to offer helpful tips, and absolutely anything else that might be of interest. This will be a work in progress, so expect changes as time goes on.

To the right, you will find a quick survey. Please take a moment and record your opinion. Results will influence future Home Enahancers promotions. Thanks!

Please feel free to contact us at any time at: We welcome your suggestions.